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Touren in Cusco und Machu Picchu.
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Discount for Military
22. Mai 2017 09:12


I read in the official website of Machu Picchu that Militaries have discount on the tickets!

I would like to know if Brazilian Military have this discount and how can i get the tickets.



Re: Discount for Military
Messages: 825
22. Mai 2017 11:39

Hello Thaise,

Thank you for your interest in our services. The only discounts available are discounts allowed and authorized by the Government; they are for:

* Peruvians: people with Peruvian nationality, with DNI, with residency in Peru or abroad.

* Residents: foreigners with permanent residency in Peru and with their CE.

* Citizens from the Andean Community: people with Bolivian, Colombian or Ecuadorian nationality.

* Students with an International Student Identity Card (ISIC card) valid on the date of the visit.

* Children from 8 to 17 years old included.

That's all. I never seen or heard discount for military, I'm sorry. But I'm curious to see where you saw that. Can you send me a link or a screen-copy?

Thank you and best regards,

Re: Discount for Military
31. Mai 2017 10:04


Sorry for the late answer.

It is in the new document in the official website of machupicchu!


Re: Discount for Military
Messages: 825
31. Mai 2017 19:33


We understand. Those special rates are only for Peruvians and must be requested in person in Cusco at the Ministry's office. We are sorry we cannot help you. We agencies are not authorized to do it.

Best regards,

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